Luxury Roundtable


Call for columns and thought leadership on luxury trends and issues

October 2, 2024

Luxury Roundtable is inviting submissions for vendor-neutral opinion pieces and columns focused on luxury ideas, trends and issues of the day Luxury Roundtable is inviting submissions for vendor-neutral opinion pieces and columns focused on luxury ideas, trends and issues of the day


Luxury Roundtable, a leading network for luxury professionals and marketers, is inviting insightful columns and thought-leadership articles on issues, trends, opportunities or challenges affecting the luxury business, whether in one sector or many.

The opinion pieces should follow a problem/solution approach and bring to light new ideas, strategies and tactics that might benefit luxury professionals, marketers and service providers targeting affluent, wealthy and ultra-high-net-worth consumers.

Short sentences and short paragraphs are recommended to make the piece eminently readable.

Columns and thought-leadership pieces have to be vendor-neutral. In other words, they cannot tout the author's company, product, service or clients within the article. There is no pay for play. Columnists and opinion-piece writers are not compensated by Luxury Roundtable.

Each piece, with an ideal count of 600-700 words, should include the author's name, title, company, city, state and email address in a Word document, along with a separately attached high-resolution color jpeg headshot (about 200-300dpi). Our cropping dimensions are 16x9, or 465 pixels wide by 262 pixels length.

Please submit ideas or columns to Luxury Roundtable editor in chief/CEO Mickey Alam Khan at Once approved, the turnaround time for column submissions is two weeks. It may take anywhere from a week to four weeks to run the opinion piece, depending on the backlog.

Columns submitted should be exclusive to Luxury Roundtable and cannot be reproduced anywhere else. Published articles, including opinion pieces, are the copyright of Napean LLC, owner of Luxury Roundtable.

Please click here to see previous columns to get an idea of how to pen an opinion piece.