- Luxury Roundtable - https://www.luxuryroundtable.com -

The best and brightest in luxury marketing will meet April 17 in New York. Join them!

New York skyline at night New York skyline at night


Let's be frank: there's an arms race on right now to acquire and retain customers in the luxury business. Big brands are using every muscle and sinew to win customer loyalty with smart marketing, while independents and smaller players have to shout to be heard.

That said, there's ample opportunity for growth if luxury brands adopt the right marketing strategy for customer acquisition, retention and reactivation. What Luxury Roundtable has done with the Luxury Marketing Summit April 17 in New York is to bring the best and brightest in luxury marketing to share their ideas, best practices and roadmaps to win more business in a highly competitive setting.

Please join us and register now for the Luxury Marketing Summit.

While we are still recruiting speakers, here's a partial list of those who will speak at the summit:

Pauline Brown, board member, Neiman Marcus Group, and CEO, Aesthetic Intelligence Labs

Anders Kurten, CEO, Fraser Yachts

Heather Kaminetsky, president for North America, Mytheresa

Matteo Atti, chief marketing officer, VistaJet

CJ Bangah, principal for marketing transformation, PwC

Seth Rutman, vice president of wealth management, UBS Financial Services

Karen Marshall, cofounder, Fleurs de Villes

Michael Altneu, vice president of global luxury, Coldwell Banker

Jamari A. Douglas, vice president of marketing, PR and communications, Bermuda Tourism Authority

Tatiana Ferreira, chief customer officer, Launchmetrics

Milton Pedraza, CEO, Luxury Institute

Natasha Haksar, managing director, Globant

Chandler Mount, CEO, Affluent Consumer Research Company

Alyce Panico, CEO, luxe collective group

Greg Licciardi, vice president of partnerships, Worth Media Group

Carolyn Mayhew Gardner, head of integrated brand marketing and experience, The RealReal

Lisa Koenigsberg, president, Initiatives in Art and Culture

More to come!

If you're a luxury brand and would like to speak, please send an email to events@napean.com. Would like to sponsor? Email ads@napean.com

Register now for the Luxury Marketing Summit April 17 in New York and claim your spot. Seats limited!