- Luxury Roundtable - https://www.luxuryroundtable.com -

Coming up next on Luxury Roundtable in February and March

Patek Philippe 5204 Macro Patek Philippe 5204 Macro


Luxury Roundtable has a deep bench of webinars, podcasts, reports and Luxury Class master class as well as an in-person networking event lined up this month and next. Become a member and partake of every offering that Luxury Roundtable produces for its audience of luxury professionals and marketers.

CALENDAR for February and March 2024

February 2024

Special reports:

Watches and Jewelry

Fine Dining, Wines and Spirits

Tuesday, Feb. 14: Podcast

Wednesday, Feb. 21: Webinar: Up and About: Cars, Jets and Yachts

March 2024

Special reports:

Beauty, Cosmetics and Personal Care

Health and Wellness

Tuesday, March 5: Podcast

Wednesday, March 20: Webinar: How the Wealthy Live: Design and Lifestyle Trends

Thursday, March 28: Workshop: Luxury Class on Culture, Etiquette and Art De Vivre

Thursday, March 28: Luxury Roundtable Member Get-Together, New York, 5:30 p.m. – 7 p.m.

See the full 2024 calendar for Luxury Roundtable events, reports, webinars, podcasts, Luxury Class master classes and networking opportunities here

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